BBL® HEROic™ Body® Treatments

Beautiful Skin from Head to Toe

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Skin Revitalization for Your Entire Body

The skin on our bodies can be a tell-tale sign of how well we care for our skin. Now, you can achieve a head-to-toe youthful glow while saying goodbye to pigment, sun damage, age spots, and more with BBL® HEROic™ Body. Known as the fastest light-based technology for younger-looking skin, BBL HEROic performs full body treatments on large areas like the back, legs, and arms in as little as three minutes. Show your body some love with this head-to-toe skin revitalization treatment!

See Before & Afters with BBL HEROic Body

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Post 1 tx

Courtesy of Jason Pozner, MD

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Post 3 tx

Courtesy of Jason Pozner, MD


2-10 Min

Treatment Time





14-21 Days

Days Until Full Results


Treatments Needed

Sciton’s BBL HEROic Body is an incredibly powerful yet gentle BroadBand Light device

This quick and comfortable treatment helps eliminate skin pigmentation and allows providers to address multiple areas of concern in a short session with little to no discomfort.

Find a BBL HEROic Provider Near You

Reveal beautiful skin from head to toe. Ask a practitioner about BBL HEROic Body today.

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